Part time jobs survey analysis
Part time jobs survey analysis my research topic: part time job target:Japanese University students Number of responds:4 (summary)Studennts answered 7 questions (Results) All students answered yes to Graph #1. All university students have a part-time job. #1 #2 Graph 2 shows that 75% of the students had two part-time jobs and one student had three part-time jobs. Graph 3 had two in sales in retail, one in restaurants, and one in apparel. I think apparel is very rare. #3 Graph 4 shows two students who worked three times a week and two students who worked four times a week. All students worked part-time half the week. #4 Graph 5 shows two people who wanted to work part-time from 5:00 p.m. and two who wanted to work part-time from 6:00 p.m. I am not a fan of mornings either, so I tend to work from this time. #5 The #6 person earning the most was 100,000 yen, the second was 80,000 yen, and the third was 30,000 yen, with results varying from person to person. #6 The #7 was ...